November 23, 2015 |
Trying moments: Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh writes to Humanity
November 16, 2015 |
How Dr. Chris Fomunyoh thrilled Bertoua in a 2 in 1 event
September 8, 2015 |
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh was coronated as "Ta Nformi Cameroon"
September 2, 2015 |
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh: "Village is natural, it is beautiful..."
September 2, 2015 |
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh named "Personality of the Year"
August 25-28, 2015 |
Christopher Fomunyoh: From attending and supporting youths activities
in Bamenda to sharing his vision of the Cameroon of tomorrow
March 24, 2015 |
CCC Plc, Cameroons' top financial house renews confidence in
management board
January 16, 2015 |
Cameroon communication authorities satisfied with Foundation Radio's
January 12, 2015 |
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh: "En 32 ans de Renouveau, beaucoup
d’attentes déçues"
January 12, 2015 |
Christopher Fomunyoh : "Amadou Ahidjo mérite mieux que ça!»
December 19, 2014 |
The Fomunyoh Foundation Child Play Unit and Children Library now
December 12, 2014 |
Foundation Radio and Deutsche Welle reinforce partnership
December 9, 2014 |
Cameroon: TFF and St. Mary Hospital Bamenda offer free Health
December 8, 2014 |
Budget drops for Batibo Council; Mayor says it was realistic
November 26, 2014 |
After elections: PCC fractured, but enduring
November 17, 2014 |
Cameroon: Third Anglophone Senator dies
November 11, 2014 |
Sit-tight African leaders: Where Biya beats them all
November 7, 2014 |
The Fomunyoh Foundation Book Charity moves to Yaounde
November 5-6, 2014 |
Christopher Fomunyoh visiting schools in Yaounde
October 16, 2014 |
Foundation Library donates 2.5 million worth text books to 25
Secondary Schools
October 16, 2014 |
Cameroon opposition leader says President Biya is spiteful of the
October 16, 2014 |
Nwen Fon declares for CPDM, pledges land
October 9, 2014 |
October 8, 2014 |
Cameroon U.S embassy staff visit The Fomunyoh Foundation
September 25, 2014 |
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh: President of Cameroon ?
Le 29 Juillet, 2014 |
Christopher Fomunyoh : "Les Africains aspirent � une gouvernance moderne"
Lire la suite
Le 20 - 26 Juillet, 2014 |
Christopher Fomunyoh "Les Africains aspirent � une gouvernance moderne"
Lire la
July 18, 2014 |
U.S government funds project to preserve Bafut Palace
June 12, 2014 |
Cameroon's Minister of Culture chastise for "scandalous" and "abominable" acts
June 3, 2014 |
Celebrated Church Minister Predicts Change in Cameroon
June 2, 2014 |
Cameroon's main opposition leader predicts doom for those wishing his death
May 19, 2014 |
The Fomunyoh Foundation (TFF) donates books to schools
April 25, 2014 |
Cameroon's President aching extravagant attitude
April 17, 2014 |
Ma Esther Asob Fomunyoh laid to rest.
April, 2014 |
AudioNow Amplifies Reach of Foundation Radio FM.
March 20, 2014 |
Higher Education authorities review syllabus.
March 20, 2014 |
Moghomo Fons unite for development, want Division.
March 20, 2014 |
UB Vice Chancellor positive about HTTTC Kumba.
March 20, 2014 |
CCC Plc to be full-fledged bank.
March 20, 2014 |
Lake Chad Basin security concerns.
September 19, 2013 |
Diaspora in North America and Europe connect to leading Cameroon radio station by phone at no
Le 6 Septembre, 2013 |
Christopher Fomunyoh "L'opposition doit faire son autocritique".
Lire la suite
Le 14 Mai, 2013 |
Le Cameroun ferme une radio pour diffusion d'une interview avec des s�cessionnistes.
Lire la suite
May 13, 2013 |
Cameroon shuts down station over secessionist interview.
March, 2013 |
Dr. Fomunyoh visits the Dewey International School of Applied Sciences in Banamoussadi-Douala
and launches college lectures.
Le 24 Mai, 2012 |
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh: " L'après Biya sera géré par ceux qui n'ont pas
été associés à ses échecs !"
May 10, 2012 |
The Fomunyoh Foundation launches its Law Library in Bamenda, Cameroon
Read |
April 05, 2012
Change Is Bound To Occur In Cameroon ? Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh
Read |
Download |
March 16, 2012
ICC pays visit to TFF
Read |
February 27, 2012
TFF plays host to CMF Read
February 23, 2012
TFF publicly displays its services at NGO Fair Read
Le 3 Octobre, 2011
Cameroun : les grands absents de la pr�sidentielle
Lire la suite
May, 2011
Senior Staff of German radio Deutsche Welle at Foundation Radio
April, 2011
Exceptional People Magazine |
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh: Setting the Stage for
Africa?s Democracy Download
Le 24 F�vrier, 2011
Comment va le Cameroun?
Lire la suite |
Le 17 D�cembre, 2010 |
Christopher Fomunyoh Lire la suite
November 16, 2010
Renewal Of Political Leadership Is Good For Every Country - Fomunyoh Read |
October 14, 2010
How to Build the Private Sector in Africa Read |
Le 6 Octobre, 2010
Christopher Fomunyoh: Le d�bat sur la transition d�mocratique Lire la suite |
Le 1 Octobre, 2010
2011: �Le candidat� Christopher Fomunyoh s?installe au Cameroun d�finitivement. Lire la suite |
March 24, 2010
Quelle gouvernance pour l'Afrique ? Lire la suite
March 01, 2010
Will Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh Be Cameroon?s Saviour In 2011? Read |
February 20, 2010
IRIN Fran�ais |
NIGER: Deux mauvaises actions en font-elles une bonne? Lire la suite |
February 19, 2010
NIGER: Do two wrongs make a right? Read |
February 02, 2010
Diaspora Cameroonians Sue Biya For Embezzlement Of Public Funds Read |
December 21, 2009 |
The TFF - Johns Hopkins University Partnership Read |
December 10, 2009
Metroafrican |
Dr. Chris Fomunyoh Visits DU to Discuss Democracy and Development in Africa Read |
December 5, 2009
Africa Democracy Forum |
Dr. Chris Fomunyoh to Speak at the University of Denver, Colorado Read |
November 14, 2009
Postnewsline |
The Wind of Change for Cameroon: Could the Solution Come from the Diaspora? Read |
Le 3 Octobre, 2009
ICIcemac |
Dr. Chris Fomunyoh: �La diaspora camerounaise doit réfléchir et se préparer
à prendre une part décisive dans le processus de changement au Cameroun� Lire la suite |
Le 3 Septembre, 2009
ICIcemac |
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh : L'impératif d'une vision de la diaspora Lire la suite |
September 2, 2009
Eden Newspaper |
TFF Calls for a Joint Effort to Fight Malaria Read |
August 22, 2009
RAI, Vienna Austria |
TFF Country Coordinator, Jespa Ajereboh, on Radio Africa International (RAI) broadcasting from
Vienna, Austria Read |
Le 24 Juillet, 2009
Paul Biya re�u par Nicolas Sarkozy Lire la suite |
July 14, 2009
ReliefWeb |
Mediating Election-Related Conflicts Read |
July 12, 2009
Nigeria Village Square |
Obama's Speech In Ghana: Notes For Nigeria Read |
July 10, 2009
Obama to push Africa democracy on landmark visit Read |
June 29, 2009
Ethiopian Review
Anxiety over Niger president's bid to set aside term limit Read |
June 15, 2009
All Africa |
Nigeria: Governors' Forum, Algon Oppose Moves to Reduce LG Tenure Read |
May 14, 2009 |
Independent Electoral Commissions Strengthen Democracy in Africa Read |
April 28, 2009
U.Va.Today |
U.Va. Conference to Examine Prospects for Democracy in Africa Read |
April 23, 2009
Ghana Business News |
Who is leading Africa? Read |
April 20, 2009
First HIV/AIDS Citizens' Awareness Health Program Judged Highly
Successful Read |
March 20, 2009 |
Together against HIV: An HIV awareness activity for the Fomunyoh
Foundation Read |
March 03, 2009 |
Gerontocracy in Cameroon - These Old Men Who Govern Us. Interviewed
By Dibussi Tande Read |
February, 2009
PostNewsLine |
Dr. Chris Fomunyoh: “Cameroonians Expect ELECAM To Do The Right
Thing ”. Interviewed by Francis Wache & Ernest Sumelong Read |
February 19, 2009
ICIcemac |
Dr. Chris Fomunyoh: “Like every bird that must perch, I would
focus on the democratic tenets in this triangle”. Interviewed by Zachee Nzoh-Ngandembou Read |
February 5, 2009
The Washington Times |
Coup brings hope to Guinea. Years of dictatorial rule gave way to
vows of democracy and firing of the old guard. Read |
January 9, 2009
PostNewsLine |
Ghana's Election Is A Model For Africa - Fomunyoh, by Francis Wache
Read |
Le 5 Janvier, 2009
AfricaLog |
"John Kufuor n'a pas modifi� la constitution pour s'�terniser au pouvoir" Interview
with Dr. Chris Fomunyoh. Lire la suite |
January 4, 2009
AFP Global Edition |
"Ghana gears up for 2nd alternate power handover in 10 years"
Article by Susan Njanji Read |
Le 4 Janvier, 2009
Icicemac |
"La d�mocratie renforc�e au Ghana � l'issue de la pr�sidentielle"
Lire la suite |
December 12, 2008
AFP Global Edition |
"Election run-off keeps Ghana on democratic track: analysts"
Article by Susan Njanji Read |
December 11, 2008
AFP Global Edition |
"Ghana set for presidential run-off" Read |
December 8, 2008
AFP Global Edition |
"Ghanaians vote for new president" Read |
October 21, 2008
Democracy Digest |
"Zimbabwe: talks stalemate, violence continues " Read |
October 8, 2008
Pan African Visions |
African Dialogue has Professor Chris Fomunyoh as PAV November guest
Read |
Octobre de 2008
Barack Obama privera les autocrats africains de faux arguments
Lire la suite |
Octobre de 2008
"Barack Obama privera les autocrates africains de faux
Dr Chris Fomunyoh du National democratic institute (NDI). Interview.
Lire la suite (Le format de PDF, Exige l'Adobe Lecteur d'Acrobate libre) |
September 4, 2008
FrontLine World |
"Wanted: African-born Republicans. Many share Republican conservative
values but not stance on immigration" By Edwin Okong'o
Read |
August - September, 2008
The Africa Report |
US Elections A new voice for Africans everywhere
Read (pdf) |
Le 31 Ao�t, 2008
Parise |
Christopher Fomunyoh: "L'Afrique doit tirer bénéfice au cas où Barack
Obama devenait président" Lire la
suite |
July 13, 2008
FCA East Africa |
"Democracy is losing ground in Africa" Article by Edmund
LA Times Read |
June, 2008
Abuja, Nigeria |
Government and Opposition Workshop -Roles, Rights and
Responsibilities- Read |
April 29, 2008
American Today |
Experts discuss the past and future of U.S. - Africa relations
Article by Mike Unger
Read |
April 2, 2008
ICIcemac, Cameroon |
Dr Chris Fomunyoh "The next four years would be crucial for
by Mokun Njouny Nelson Read |
March 27, 2008, KENYA and ETHIOPIA |
"Africa: Democracy Threatened - The Legitimacy of Elections"
by Linda Thomas-Greenfield Read |
Le 24 Mars, 2008
Quotidien Mutations
Yaound� - Cameroun |
Christopher Fomunyoh :"Le Cameroun d'aujourd'hui nous interpelle tous."
Lire la suite |
March 18, 2008
Success Story Magazine
Cameroon |
Success Story No. 005 - January 2008
"Dr Chris Fomunyoh. A Cameroonian-born Apostle of Democracy."
Read |
February 16, 2008 |
"A Special Look at Sierra Leone; Egypt Wins Africa Cup" INSIDE AFRICA
Program Transcript Read |
January 27, 2008
The Peninsula |
"Ghana gears up for second round of presidential election "
Source ::: AFP Read |
January 3, 2008
WHYY's Radio Times |
"The situation in Kenya" Discussion with Dr Chris Fomunyoh. WHYY's
Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane. Read
| Listen [mp3] |
December 31, 2007
The OnlineNewsHour |
"Hundreds Dead as Election Riots Flare in Kenya" Program Transcript
Read | Listen [mp3]
October 25, 2007
How to Rank Good Governance: The Mo Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in
African Leadership Read
October 9, 2007
SFCG - Search for
Common Ground |
Conflict Prevention and Resolution Forum Read
[mp3] |
September 1, 2007
Reuters |
"Elections violence grips Sierra Leone capital" Article by Katrina
Manson Read |
Le 21 Ao�t, 2007
Festival De Bonendale |
Nombreux sont les partenaires du Festival de Bonendale � l'exemple du: National Democratic
Intitute (NDI)
Lire la suite
Le 21 Juillet, 2007
Houston |
Leadership Awards:C�lestin Monga et Christopher Fomunyoh laureates 2007 de CAMSA-USA Lire la suite |
Le 11 Juin, 2007
Asia Centre,
Centre d'�tudes Asie
Paris |
"L'influence grandissante de la Chine en Afrique : points de vue transatlantiques" [+
compte-rendu du d�jeuner d�bat] Lire la suite
Juin de 2007
Christopher Fomunyoh, expert du NDI "LES ACTEURS POLITIQUES IVOIRIENS MANQUENT DE VOLONTE" Lire la suite |
June 1, 2007
KcRw |
"Peace, Power and Politics in Nigeria" Read |
May 3, 2007
The New York Times
Lagos, Nigeria |
"Democracy in Nigeria falters but is far from dead" Article by Lydia
Polgreen Read |
Le 27 Avril, 2007
Cameroun |
Neuf magistrats suspendus par Paul Biya. Des d�crets du chef de l'Etat sign�s le 17 janvier 2007
n'ont pas �t� publi�s.
Lire la suite |
April 25, 2007
Voice of America
Washington, DC |
"Election Monitors Issue Initial Findings on Nigerian Presidential
Article by Howard Lesser
Read | Listen [mp3] |
April 12, 2007
NomadicWax Dakar |
"Election Boycott Threatens Senegal's Democratic Reputation"
Report by Phuong Tran
Read | Listen [rm] |
April 10, 2007
ForTheDefense. |
"Human Rights and Humans Without Rights in Ethiopia"
Report by Phuong Tran
Read |
Le 11 Janvier, 2007
Houston |
Lire la suite |
November 10, 2006
Voice of America
Washington, DC |
"Congressional Changes Focus New Attention on US Foreign Policy
toward Africa"
Article by Howard Lesser
Read | Listen to Chris
Fomunyoh [mp3] |
November 8, 2006
Institute for War and
Peace Reporting
Africa Update |
"Congolese Braced for More Trouble" Article by Ayesha Kajee in
Johannesburg Read |
Le 26 Mai, 2006 |
"Rencontre avec la Diaspora des Etats-Unis : Niels Marquartd affiche son amiti� pour les
Camerounais" Par Alex Gustave AZEBAZE
Lire la suite |
May 2, 2006
Ginny's Thoughts Gambia |
Interview with Ousainou Darbo by Baba Galleh Jallow Read |
November 23, 2005
Voice of America
Washington, DC |
"Liberian President-Elect has Large Challenges, Rich Background" Article by
Deborah Block
November 14, 2005
Public Broadcasting Service
Alexandria, Virginia, USA |
Gwen Ifill speaks about the election of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as
Liberia's president and the challenges
ahead for the West African nation with Chris Fomunyoh, senior associate for Africa at the
National Democratic Institute,
and Mike McGovern from the International Crisis Group.
Listen | Download free RealOne player
Read this interview
August 25, 2005
Bameda, Cameroon |
Impact Alliance mobilizing NGO capacity in Cameroon: Dan Barthmaier,
a Johns Hopkins SAIS student completing a summer internship with The Fomunyoh Foundation (TFF)
in Bamenda, Cameroon, tells about his experiences helping conduct workshops for local
NGOs. Read
August 21, 2005
The Herald |
Awa Stateson, country-coordinator of The Fomunyoh Foundation, on NGOs
in the North West.
July 23, 2005
ICIcemac, Cameroon |
Dr Chris Fomunyoh "Prolonging Biya's mandate is dangerous for
our country"
by Mokun Njouny Nelson.
July 19, 2005
The Herald, Cameroon |
Cameroon: Media organs urged to adopt community-oriented programmes.
Le 17 Juin 2005
ICIcemac, Cameroun |
Christopher Fomunyuh "En tant que Camerounais, je suis préoccupé par
l’avenir de mon pays." Lire la suite
Issue 6.2
Summer/Fall 2005
Georgetown Journal of
International Affairs |
"Africa's Democratic Deficit" Article by Chris Fomunyoh
June 16, 2005
BBC World Today |
"African statesmen speak their minds," —
BBC interviews five of the continent's elder statesmen to find out what their message would be
to the G8 leaders.
June 8, 2005
BBC World Service: Africa Live |
What to do with former heads of state when they leave office is a source of debate for
many Africans. The African Statesmen Initiative, which is being launched in Mali is
hoping to focus on the positive examples of life after office. BBC Africa Live is
asking: Is there life after the presidency? Should retired presidents be involved in
politics? And should they continue to enjoy immunity?
Interview with H.E. Amos Sawyer, Former President of Liberia; H.E. Jerry Rawlings,
Former President of Ghana; and Dr. Chris Fomunyoh, Senior Associate for Africa,
NDI (3.5 MB)
Listen | Download free RealOne player |
June 6, 2005
African Statesmen Initiative Symposium: Leadership and
Remarks by Kenneth Wollack, President, National Democratic Institute
June 5-8, 2005
ASI- African
Bamako, Mali |
Panel I: Leadership, Security, and Conflict Management
June 5-8, 2005
ASI - African
Bamako, Mali |
Final Report "Inaugural Symposium on Leadership and Democratization"
May 21, 2005 |
"Ghana, Beacon of Stability in West Africa; South Africa's New
National Party Disbands; Mozambique's Marxist Rule Becomes Democratic" INSIDE AFRICA Program
February 9, 2005 |
"Africa: African Solutions To African Problems: A Slogan Whose Time
Has Passed"
Article by Dr. Chris Fomunyoh
February 8, 2005
The Post Online and ICIcemac, Cameroon |
"African Solutions To African Problems: A Slogan Whose Time Has
Passed" Article by Dr. Chris Fomunyoh
Le 24 Janvier, 2005
Hervé D'AFRICK |
Conseil du Dr Fomunyoh du NDI aux partis burkinabé : "Evitez un jeu politique
Lire la suite
October 28, 2004
Voice of America
Washington, USA |
Challenges Remain to Consolidating Democracy in Several African
Read | Download |
Le 6 Octobre 2004
Le Messager, Cameroun |
Christopher Fomunyoh, directeur Afrique du Ndi:
"Le bilan du president Biya peut davantage etre"
A 49 ans, le Camerounais Christopher Fomunyoh, dirige la region Afrique du National democratic
institute (Ndi), l'Ong americaine basee a Washington et chargee de la promotion de la
democratie, de la gouvernance responsable et du respect des droits humains....
Lire la suite |
September 2004
Cameroon |
TFF Press release: Fomunyoh Foundation Trains More Than 100.
Activists and Journalists on Effective Communications — Strengthening Civil Society in
Cameroon. Read |
Le 30 Août 2004
Mutation, Cameroun |
Christopher Fomunyoh: L'impunité ne doit pas être la norme. Lire la suite |
June 12, 2004
Houston, Texas, USA |
A keynote speech by Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh at the Cameroon Society
of Engineers 7th Annual Convention: “We must use your talents and expertise as engineers
to develop and promote our country and our continent”. Read |
April 21, 2004
The GuardianPost
Bamenda, Cameroon |
Fomunyoh remind's African heads of state, there is life after state
house. Read |
April 13, 2004
Cameroun Tribune
Cameroon |
Presidentials: Fomunyoh Evasive On His Candidature.
Says Cameroonians should hope, register and ensure free and fair elections or become defeatists.
Many who rushed for last
Thursday's press conference in Bamenda by Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh, Africa regional director of
the National Democratic ...
Read |
Le 16 Février 2004
Christopher Fomunyoh: Paul Biya est responsable de
l’inertie. |
October 11, 2003
Campaign Group
London, UK |
Conference Calls for Independent Electoral Commission, respect for human rights, the alleviation
of poverty and the elimination of HIV-AIDS in Cameroon.
Dr Chris Fomunyoh is a key speaker. Read |
Le 5 Septembre 2003 Journal |
L'Afrique a l'epreuve de la democratie:
Dr Chris Fomunyoh du National institute for international affairs, par David Cadasse. Lire la suite |
Le 21 Août 2003
The Washington File |
"African expert guardedly optimistic about Cote
d'Ivoire Reconciliation: NDI's Fomunyoh moderated multi-party peace and reconciliation
conference" by Charles W. Corey. Read |
Augest 13, 2003
Minnesota Public Radio |
Conflict easing in Liberia:
Chris Fomunyoh, senior associate for Africa at the National Democratic Institute for
International Affairs in Washington, DC was a guest on the Minnesota Public Radio
"Midmorning" programm. Écouter
May 5, 2003
BBC's Newshour |
Discussion with NDI's Senior Associate for Africa
Christopher Fomunyoh and George Shire on BBC'c Newshour
Read transcript | Listen
May 2003
The Africa Journal |
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh on Monitoring the Recent Nigerian Elections.
Read |
January 28, 2003
Pew International Journalism Program
Washington, DC |
"Africa Has Made Impressive Gains Towards Democratic Rule, But Huge Chal lenges Remain,
Says Africa Expert" by Trenton Daniel.
WASHINGTON, January 28, 2003 - African countries have made considerable progress developing
democratic institutions since the end of the Cold War, but many formidable challenges remain,
a noted specialist on African democracy told the spring 2003 Pew Fellows. Read
Le14 Janvier 2003
Douala, Cameroun |
"La democratie n'as pas encore pris
corps dans notre societe", Douala,
-Interview with Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh |
December 13, 2002
The Post
Feasting With Women In The Village
by Fedelis Pegue Manga
The feast was holding for the third time in three years. Its success, however, did not depend
on temperament but on the insight of the organizer of the Feast of the Women in the village of
Bonendale Douala. Read
December 13, 2002
The Post |
Stability Can't Be Obtained By Decree - Dr.
-Interview with Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh |
December 6, 2002
Equinox Radio
Douala, Cameroon |
Transcrip t of interview with Charles Ako of Radio Equinox, Douala,
-Interview with Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh |
December 3, 2002
Magic FM
Yaounde, Cameroon |
Transcript of Interview with Magic FM, Yaounde, Cameroon
-Interview with Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh |
December 2, 2002
Yaounde, Cameroon |
Transcript of "60 Minutes" with Peter Esoka, CRTV Yaounde,
-Interview with Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh |
January 25, 2002
Canada |
View Dr. Fomunyoh's discussion on
"Democratization in Fits and Starts: The Challenges Ahead" at the National Forum on Africa Meeting,organized by the Canadian Center for
Foreign Policy Development at the Department of Foreig n Affairs and International Trade and
partner universities, Toronto,Canada, January 25, 2002
| Requires free Real Player Basic
Read printed version of the discussion featured by National
Democratic Institute for International Affairs .
| PDF format, Requires free
Adobe Acrobat Reader.
October 16, 2001
Bassa-Douala, Cameroon
"US-Based NDI Top Shot Condemns SCNC Deaths, Calls For
by Ndikum P. Tanifom
The Regional Director for Africa of the Washington-based National Democratic Institute for
International Affairs (NDI) Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh has called for thorough investigations
into the recent killing of three persons in Kumbo in the Northwest during activities by
Southern Cameroon's National Council (SCNC) militants to commemorate Anglophone Cameroon's
40th independence anniversary. Scores of others were wounded while several people were
arrested in Kumbo and Bamenda. Read
Le 17 Juillet 2001
Le Messager, Cameroon
A Weekly Electronic Publication of the GMM Group,
Christopher Fomonyoh, directeur pour lAfrique du
LONEL ne peut organiser des élections crédibles
Entretien mené te; à Washington par, Pius N. Njawe
Les Camerounais se souviennent certainement encore du NDI, cet organisme américain
qui, en 1992, avait dressé un rapport d'observation accablant sur l'élection
présidentielle que ses observateurs avaient suivie de bout en bout. Le gouvernement
Biya, par la voix d'un certain Augustin Kontchou Kouomegni, avait alors accusé, le
National Democratic Institute et Madame Frances Cook, à l'époque Ambassadeur des
Etats-Unis au Cameroun, de rouler pour le candidat de l'opposition , John Fru Ndi. Read
October 14, 2000 |
New World Radio Interview with
Christopher Fomunyoh |
September 5, 2000
The Mail
Bassa-Douala, Cameroon |
"NDI decided not to come to Cameroon after 1992"
by Ndikum P. Tanifom
The Regional Director for West, Central and East Africa at the Washington-based National
Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), Cameroonian-born Dr. Christopher
Fomunyoh says "having ended its involvement in Cameroon following the October 1992
Presidential elections, there was no further rationale for us to work either with the
institutions that emerged from the elections, or with political parties or other democratic
institutions." Read
September 5, 2000
The Mail
Bassa-Douala, Cameroon |
"NDI may still look for ways to
be helpful to democrats in Cameroon."
— Interview with Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh
September 3, 2000 |
Cameroon Calling Interview with
Christopher Fomunyoh |
Fall 2000 |
BBC Interview with Christopher
Fomunyoh |
August 31, 2000 |
TFF Lays the Groundwork for
Formal Launching in Cameroon - Christopher Fomunyohs Press conference at U.S.
Embassy (report and transcript) |
May 9, 2000
The Perils of Peacekeeping
Read this material on PBS. org Online Newshour.
Le 5 Janvier 2000
Los Angeles/Berkeley
Requires Real Audio
version: LA Berkeley, Morning Show
Chris Fomunyoh speaks on recent events in Cote d'Ivoire
Chicago Radio
29 December, 1999
Real Audio Player
Chicago Radio, Worldview
Chris Fomunyoh speaks on recent events in Cote d'Ivoire
Los Angeles Times
28 December, 1999
Junta's Reform Pledge
Lifts Hopes for Ivory Coast
Ann M. Simmons, Times Staff Writer
NAIROBI, Kenya - As life began to return to normal in Ivory Coast on
Monday after a largely bloodless Christmas Eve coup, hope grew that
there would be little domestic upheaval if the new military rulers kept
their promise to restore democratic rule. Diplomats and analysts said
the former French colony--experiencing its first-ever coup after years
in which it was among Africa's most stable countries--might follow the
example of Nigeria and Niger, where within the last year military regimes
handed power back to civilians. <<read more...>>
National Public Radio
26 December, 1999
Real Audio Player
Audio version:
NPR, All Things Considered -
Cote D'Ivoire, interview with Chris Fomunyoh
The President of the Cote d'Ivoire, commonly known as the Ivory Coast,
today fled the country in the wake of Friday's coup, leaving questions
about the future of one of Africa's most stable countries. Chris
Fomunyoh, regional director for East and West Africa at the National
Democratic Institute (Washington DC), visited Cote d' Ivoire just last
week, and says he too was caught by surprise by the takeover led by
Gen. Robert Guie (Gay). <<text version:
read more...>>
SDF North American Convention,
Washington DC
27 November, 1999
Address on "Democratization in Africa:
Prospects for the 21st century"
Chris Fomunyoh, Ph.D.
Needless to say, this convention is taking place
a few weeks before the beginning of the next millennium; and so it is
the most ideal time to take stock, to assess the past, reflect on the
present and contemplate the future. This is the ideal time to look at
our continent of Africa, to look at our cumulative struggle as small
'd' democrats, our contribution in ways big and small to the cause in
a place dear to our hearts -Cameroon - and ponder upon how far we have
come and how distant we still must travel. For this reason I felt it
would be appropriate to share with you my thoughts on democratization
in Africa and the prospects for the 21st century. <<
read more...>>
On the African Center for Strategic Studies
Dakar, Senegal
12 November, 1999
NDI's Fomunyoh
Rates ACSS Initiative as Smashing Success
Jim Fisher-Thompson Washington File Staff Correspondent
The National Democratic Institute's (NDI's) regional director for Central,
Eastern and West Africa has described the first session of the U.S.-African
Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) as "a very valuable and productive
exercise in bridge-building between two groups in Africa that have traditionally
been at odds -- the military and civilians." Chris
Fomunyoh, said, "I am rather optimistic that even the most skeptical
individuals on both sides [military and civilian] now ...."
<< read more...>>
NewsWatch, Nigeria
June, 1999
They Came, They
By Mudiaga Ofuoku
When observer groups first surfaced on the Nigerian electoral scene
to witness the presidential election of June 12, 1993, Nigerians considered
the idea an entirely novel one. Today it has grown to become an accepted
feature of the country's electoral process, with local observer groups
also taking part in it. <<read more...>>
National Democratic Institute funds Abuja
30 April 1999
Nigerian Governors
Meet Courtesy of US NGO's Support
Jim Fisher-Thompson, USIA Staff Writer
WASHINGTON - Newly elected state governors in Nigeria recently met
to discuss issues of importance in the ongoing democratic transition
thanks to funding from the National Democratic Institute (NDI), a non-governmental
organization (NGO) dedicated to self-governance training worldwide.
Several Americans participated in the forum, held in the federal capital
of Abuja, including: former governor of Pennsylvania Richard Thornburgh,
and Lieutenant-Governor of South Dakota Carole Hillard. NDI's Regional
Director for Central, East and West Africa Christopher
Fomunyoh helped organize the gathering. <<read
Washington Post Foreign Service
10 December, 1998
Gabon's Bongo
Latest Strongman to Maintain Grip
James Rupert
Libreville, Gabon, Dec. 9 - Today's declaration of victory for President
Omar Bongo extends a pattern in this year of presidential elections
in West Africa: After nearly a decade of creeping democratization, the
region's remaining Cold War-era strongmen are under pressure to retreat
but are finding ways to adapt and hang on.
<<read more...>>
Los Angeles Times
9 December, 1998
Nigeria's Transition
ANN M. SIMMONS, Times Staff Writer
BUJA, Nigeria--International and domestic monitors on Tuesday praised
the conduct of Nigeria's local elections last weekend but warned that
some problems will have to be sorted out before state and federal voting
early next year.
<<read more...>
CNN Transcrpit
28 March, 1998
Clinton's Visit to
Africa: Hope for the Future
President Clinton's Africa trip is the first by a sitting U.S. president,
in which he has visited the prison that held Nelson Mandela for 18 years
and talked of the European slave trade on the African continent.
GUESTS: Chris Fomunyoh
BYLINE: Gene Randall <<read more...>
Washington Post Foreign Service
25 October, 1997 |
Cameroon Election,
President's Victory Called a `Mockery of Democracy'
By James Rupert
According to the government and political party of President Paul Biya,
Cameroon's voters overwhelmingly turned out this month to applaud his
15 years in power and elect him to seven more. According to virtually
everyone else, Biya's proclaimed reelection is the Big Lie that deepens
political frustration and nudges Cameroon toward the sort of violent
upheaval seen recently across much of Central Africa.
<<read more...>>
Washington Post Foreign Service
29 June, 1997
African Coups Upset
March of Democracy
By James Rupert
The past month's street fights for power in three African capitals
underscore that this continent's saluted post-Cold War transition from
authoritarian rule toward democracy remains at an early, embattled stage.
Pillars of smoke have risen over the capitals of the Congo Republic,
Sierra Leone and the Central African Republic. Bands of men have fired
rifles and rockets in and out of government buildings, declaring their
right to rule. Westerners have rushed to pack suitcases and flee...<<read
The Washington Times
26 June, 1997
Africa Analyst
Sees Growing Gap Between Continent's Rulers and its Ruled
by Toni Marshal
Christopher Fomunyoh is regional
director for West Africa at the National Democratic Institute. He discussed
the fighting and electoral problems in the Congo with reporter Toni
Marshall... <<read more>>
The New York Times
January 11, 1997
ACCRA, Ghana
Despite Setbacks,
Democracy Gains in Africa
by Howard W. French
In 1990 President Francois Mitterrand of France spoke enthusiastically
of a "wind blowing from Europe that has begun to sweep Africa." The
speech was widely credited with speeding up moves toward democracy afoot
in many countries in the continent. <<read
13 November1996
Women Playing
Increasingly Larger Share in Election: Their participation often makes
by Charles W. Corey, USIA Staff Writer
Washington -- Women in the United States and Africa share many
similarities when it comes to election issues and are rapidly becoming
increasingly influential in deciding political races worldwide.
Anita Perez-Ferguson, president of the National Women's Political Caucus
and Christopher Fomunyoh, regional
director for West Africa at the National Democratic Institute (NDI),
stressed that theme in a November 7 "Africa Journal" program, broadcast
by the U.S. Information Agency. <<read
The New York Times
March 2, 1996
African Anomaly: An
Election Up for Grabs
by Howard W. French
Wherever President Nicephore D. Soglo has gone the last few days, whether
pressing the flesh in roadside campaign stops or dancing briefly during
a festival in the coastal city of Ouidah, he has been eagerly greeted
by supporters with cries of "five more years."<<read