Christopher Fomunyoh: From attending and supporting youths activities in Bamenda to sharing his vision of the Cameroon of tomorrow with locals in Monabo/Monatélé, in the center region.

August 25-28, 2015

On August 25th, Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh was keynote speaker at the first Annual Millennial Empowerment Conference that brought close to 500 participants from across the country. Dr. Fomunyoh told the participants who were mostly youth that their future was in their hands. He reminded them that great men and women came from very humble backgrounds. As a result, he encouraged them not to despair, but like Marie-Claire Kuja
(the principal organizer of the conference), they should trust in their dreams.

On Thursday, August 27th, Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh received students of the second batch program of the Executive MBA of the University of Bamenda. He encouraged these new executive trainees to inculcate new societal values.

While discussing the challenges facing Cameroon as a nation with these young and future executives, he stated that the 2035 emergence benchmark set for Cameroon is a lazy project set by leaders who will not be there in 2035 to render account to the people or that they were simply incompetent to deliver public service to the citizens in a timely manner.

Friday, August 28: Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh is received to Monatélé, in the Lekie Division of the Center province by the Lord Mayor and D.O of the Sub Division. They both received signed copies of the book "The Cameroon of Tomorrow".

Friday, August 28: Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh goes deep into the interiors of the Lékié Division in the Center province, meets and share palm wine with the men, women and youths of Monabo village, who turned out in their numbers to welcome him. They listened keenly as Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh shared his vision for the Cameroon of tomorrow with them.