Christopher Fomunyoh: "L'Afrique doit tirer bénéfice au cas où Barack Obama devenait président"
Philippe Leymarie &
Parise, France
Août 31, 2008

Obama et l'Afrique
Christopher Fomunyoh le directeur régional Afrique du National Institute of Democracy (NDI)parle de la convention du parti démocrate tenue à Denver,Colorado du 23-28 août. Il parle de l'engouement des 500 invités du NDI à cette même convention ainsi que du candidat Obama et de sa filiation avec l'Afrique.Selon lui l'investiture de Barack Obama par son parti marque un moment magique. Il affirme aussi Barack Obama est incontestablement le meilleur candidat qui pourr abattre le candidat républicain John McCain.Écouter l'entrevue accordée au Dr Fomunyoh du NDI par Philippe Leymarie de Rfi.
Christopher Fomunyoh, le « Monsieur Afrique » du National Institute of Democracy (NDI),à Washington , a suivi durant 4 jours la convention démocrate à Denver, qui précédait la convention républicaine, à partir de lundi.
«Il a fait référence à son père kényan, je pense que l'Afrique devrait tirer bénéfice de cette filiation s'il est élu...»
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Pour tout savoir sur FORUM INTERNATIONAL DES LEADERS ornaisé par le NDI du 23-28 aoüt 2008 à Denver au Colorado, Etats-Unis
As it has at every Democratic National Convention since 1984, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) is welcoming hundreds of international visitors to its International Leaders Forum (ILF), this year in Denver, to observe the convention and witness first hand the nomination process for president and vice president of the United States . The more than 500 international visitors from over 100 countries include current and former heads of state, speakers of parliament, elected officials, cabinet ministers , political party leaders and ambassadors from the Washington based diplomatic corps. "The International Leaders Forum gives political leaders from around the world a unique opportunity to observe American democracy firsthand while hearing from a wide range of experts from the U.S. and abroad," said Madeleine K. Albright, the chairman of NDI. "Our goal is to highlight the best of our democratic tradition, provide our guests with a better understanding of America 's political process and encourage dynamic discussion about the future of democracy across the globe ." During the five -day ILF program, participants are involved in a wide range of substantive and social activities . Participants will observe the convention proceedings and take part in a series of bipartisan panel discussions on the U.S. political process, foreign and domestic policy issues, and media coverage of the presidential race. They will also have a rare opportunity to exchange ideas informally with their counterparts from around the world while getting a unique perspective on an American national political convention.
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