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Minneapolis, Minnesota

Vanjelis Ngwa is a writer, poet and winner of the 2007 diversity poetry contest launched by Target and Dr. Maya Angelou.

He has been influenced by a multitude of global leaders who have always championed the oneness of humanity like Nelson Mandela and Abraham Lincoln.

In his poems he strives to promote the spirit of self-love and acceptance of all. Through his writings, he expresses an endless belief in the hope that the past may have been challenging, but we possess the power to shape a new future.

Different, Yet One
Diversity, How Beautiful


Houston, Texas

Distinguished Member of the International Society of Poets Member of the International Society Hall of Fame

Gahlia Njongoh Gwangwa'a has published three books: The Beauty of Thinking (1989), Cry of the Destitute (1995), Fields of Illusive Petals (1996). His poems and articles have been published in three International anthologies and in local newspapers.

In his writings, Gahlia strives to reflect the goodness of God and the sufferings and miseries of his people in Cameroon; to talk for the voiceless. He has been greatly influenced by the romantic and surrealist poets, by several contemporary poets, by French, British and German philosophers of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, and by the plight of his people and the environment.

In Search of my People
Lamentation And Tears In the Sahara
Leaking Roof
Save the Vessel "AFRIQUE"
The Song In Africa Won't Be the Same
The True Defender

More poetry by Gahlia Njongoh Gwangwa'a can be found here.

The Clockbird's Song

(By Anonymous Author)

In thy dreams heed the voice
from thine ancestors' graves,
Calling: "No rest in peace
whilst our children are slaves!
We did not give thee life
to be throttled by knaves;
Rise up fearless: trust in God
Who drowned Pharaoh
'neath the waves!"


For the day soon shall dawn
long awaited by thee:
For the dawn of this day
brings the dawn of liberty.

From thy homes through the night
till the despot depart,
Let the strains of this song
sound the hope of thy heart;
In the morning when thou
to thy labour doest start,
Set this tune upon thy tongue
to show freedom's friend thou art:


"For a people at peace
in a fatherland free,
Joined as one, not by force,
but in diversity;
Where the sweat of thy brow
brings thee prosperity:
Wouldst thou harvest these, its fruits,
rise and plant democracy!"
The Clockbird's Song

(By Anonymous Author)
(dont l'auteur veut garder l'anonymat)

Cameroun, chère patrie,
On attend ton réveil;
Tes enfants crient de nuit,
donc il faut te lever.
Le lion les opprime;
les tenebres les effrayent:
Jusqu'à quand, o jusqu'à quand
es que tu dormirais?


Car l'aube s'approche vite,
l'aube longuement préparée:
Car cette aube d'aujourd'hui
sera l'aube de liberté.

Malgré toute différence
tes gens seront unis
En luttant la bonne lutte
contre la tyrannie.
Saute rite sur tes pieds,
un boiteux bien guéri;
En chantant cette brave chanson
ton courage sera repris.


"Pas de Paix sans justice;
pas de travail sans paye;
Pas un franc pour engraissir
ceux qui tout mangerait;
Pas de silence quand ils
continuent à voler;
Pas d'obéissance quand ils
te commandent de tirer!"