The Fomunyoh Foundation Peace Through Films Session 3 targets Children
Even in the heat of the socio-political crisis in the Anglophone North and South West Region of Cameroon, The
Fomunyoh Foundation and some of its goodwill partners have not relented any efforts to ensure the population have
hope that one day they shall return to normal life. To this effect, the project "Peace Through Film" was initiated
in 2022.
Peace through films is a non-partisan and apolitical project that intends to go through the circle of conflict:
peace, justice and reconciliation. The intention is to generate discussions about what the population is going
through and how they can come out of the situation so that at the end of the day no matter our differences peace and
reconciliation should reign. As such films selected for viewing are very intentional.
After two viewing sessions that targeted adults and women, it was the turn of children. Over 75 children converged at
the event hall of the head office of the The Fomunyoh Foundation (TFF), in Bamenda, North West Region Cameroon to
view the film KIRIKOU.
KIRIKOU is not a normal child as he starts speaking and walking immediately after birth. An evil sorceress enters the
village, makes all water to dry and eats all men except one. Due to his size other children of the village mocks at
him. But it turns out that he is the one that Saves the village from all evil. Amongst other moral lessons the
children learnt that it is good to forgive. KIRIKOU forgives the children for laughing at him and the witch for
causing harm to the village.
Parents who accompanied their children where very pleased as they attested that it was not only educative but gave
the kids a time to relax given that under the warring conditions in which they find themselves they were deprived of
relaxation opportunities especially as "Too much work without play makes Jack a dull boy." They expressed their
gratitude to the organizers and like Oliver Twist, "Asked for more."
Earlier films projected; 100 Days, The Night of Truth and Beyond Rights and Wrong tall depicting demonstrate the
circle conflict, peace, justice and reconciliation.