Listen to News Extra on Foundation Radio, FM 100 Bamenda Cameroon.
September 10, 2015

In this edition: the 2015/2016 academic year in Cameroon begins within the backdrop of Boko Haram terrorist attacks; a snake stings a woman in a taxi, another is found in the cupboard of an office, is killed, operated upon and a coin and a paper with a list of staffers earmarked fro death found in its belly!!! And why would a top Colonel in the Cameroonian army shot himself to death at a time when he is needed most.
Don't miss listening.
News Extra on Foundation Radio, The Voice of the Voiceless.

Mokun Njouny Nelson STATION MANAGER FOUNDATION RADIO FM 100 BAMENDA CAMEROON Tel - (237) 677 578 879 (237) 699 181 715
