More partners Volunteer for TFF-YEC

On 16th May, Mrs. Njonje Joan, a Ph.D. student in the Science of Education, specializing in Education Policy and Administration, defending on the 31st of May 2023, supervised by Professor Elizabeth Tamanjong, visited The Fomunyoh Foundation Youth Empowerment Center in Yaoundè. The purpose of the visit was to gain practical insights into youth empowerment initiatives and understand the center's role in promoting education and skill development among IDPs.The visit of Mrs. Njonje Joan to TFF YEC was a valuable experience.The visit provided her with first hand knowledge of the center's activities and programs related to youth empowerment and education. Mrs. Njonje was impressed by the dedication and impact of the center's initiatives in equipping young individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge. The visit included discussions on potential volunteering opportunities at the center, she expressed her willingness to contribute her expertise to the work of the Foundation.

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